“Give us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for, because unless we stand for something we shall fall for anything.”
Those are the words of Peter Marshall (1902–1949), renowned pastor and statesman who was twice appointed chaplain of the U.S. Senate. I have read that his sermons at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church were so powerful, they had to erect loudspeakers outside the church so that overflow crowds could hear them.
We all need a vision — one that is authored by the Living Christ. But what happens once we have a vision implanted in our hearts? How do we see it through?
I believe that once we have a vision for what God wants us to do, we must launch out by faith to accomplish it. I saw my father live this way throughout his life and I try to prayerfully emulate him as I lead this ministry and its many outreaches.
After my father passed away, I thought it would impossible for me to pastor the church he founded and led with such passion and fervor. But God wondrously led me through those difficult days and affirmed within me that, as long as I kept Him first in my life, nothing — absolutely nothing — is impossible!
I want to have a heart that is bursting with passion for Christ, as William Booth described. You see, if God instills a vision in your heart and mind, you must have a zeal to complete it, no matter the cost.
But life gets tough. I understand that.
And ministry gets tough. I can attest to that.
That is why, through our Liberty Church Network, we are providing support to our pastors, church planters and other leaders through our Local Church Centers and our Regional Centers.
All over the country, we are hearing stories of men and their families answering the call of God on their lives to serve Him by planting a church and reaching out to a community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And we are there to help them through personal coaching, counseling, financial assistance and by just being friends to them.
I love helping pastors to effectively lead their churches and to make disciples. I’m sure I get that from my dad because he also had a true love for being a friend to young pastors.
God has instilled in my heart the need to win One Million New Disciples in the coming years — and so many pastors, church planters and laborers from across the country have joined in our cause to see people saved and to see cities and towns impacted for Christ.
I believe God has planted this vision in my heart. What confirms this is the fact that our pastors and church planters in the U.S. and across the globe have joined in this effort. Our pastors, church planters, missionaries and teachers are keenly focused on this goal of reaching lost souls. It has become our shared vision!
I believe that when we are living with that holy passion to serve Christ, we can accomplish anything, my friends.
THAT is why I believe God will empower us to reach One Million New Disciples by 2025. We are working for eternity and the work never ceases. Please know that your donations to this ministry are so appreciated and we work to ensure that they are being used to plant Bible-believing churches and train pastors who have a passion for souls.
Let’s keep working together with a passion and zeal to serve the Savior!