Thomas Road Worldwide is actively implementing the New Testament method of church planting to reach the next generation for Christ through assessing, training, mentoring and funding qualified pastors and their new healthy churches. Over the past 30 years, we have planted more than 1,100 US-based churches and 4,800 international churches through our pastoral-mentoring organization, the Liberty Church Network (LCN). Each of these churches are committed to starting new churches – thus, exponentially multiplying the expansion of God’s kingdom around the world
One Million New Disciples By 2025
The Liberty Church Network is on mission to have a major impact by 2025. Through a network of 50 regional centers, 500 local centers, and 10,000 churches, LCN is evangelizing and discipling a new generation for Christ. Church Planting will continue to be a major method for this work. The goal is one million new disciples by 2025.